My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Turkey's and Fetch Wood

We had our first Freedom Ranger chicken dinner this past week, as well as my baby sister's family did also. Both families agree they have a much better taste to them and they had a little more fat under the skin and contributes alot to taste. The one down side however was pin feathers as they do have more than the Cornish cross. Overall though I was very pleased with the Freedom Rangers and will raise them again, they ate less feed and more bugs and grass as well has not having to be penned and moved everyday which are big pluses for a 50 hour a week working man. I never did catch the weasel that was killing my chickens, he got eleven birds total. I have really enjoyed the turkey's this year, it has been my first year raising them. I had always been scared to do so as I was always told how hard it was to raise them. I have only lost one bird and the other five seem to handling all this heat just fine. One of the things I enjoy about them is they come to me when I get there to feed and water them and follow me like puppies. They eat the bugs that I kick up as I walk, so I always walk at least once around the enclosure and I catch a few big grasshoppers and hand feed them. I will be raising them again.
Kenny Ray and I started cutting firewood this past week, it was a hot job but had to get started.
I think we will have another hard winter this year although I do think it will be late in starting.
I have been watching some trees starting to change color and I do not mean from heat, There are to Sugar maples that I pass each morning on my way to work that are turning red already. anyway we cut two of the twenty loads of wood that we need for home, and I need too cut about three maybe four loads for the cabin. We will try to get alot of it over the next few weeks. Kenny Ray is in no hurry as firewood is not his favorite activity. I have nicknamed him Fetch Wood for the fall and winter months, as it is his job to keep the stove going thru the day when I am at work.