My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A little bit of summer

Well the end of January is upon me now and I made it threw another one. This one has especially tough due to my shoulder it has kept me in the house. I am getting my strength back slowly in it, at least I can hold my gun up now. So come next Saturday me and ole Jack will it the fields in pursuit of Bugs bunny. Anyway I decided to bring some better weather here at the house yesterday as I fired up the grille after cleaning several inches of snow off of it .

I pulled out the backstraps of the deer I killed a month ago and put along some mushrooms and peppers and onions and wrapped in foil and one the grill it went some baked potatoes. And Tari pulled out a bag of Black Raspberries that mom and I picked last summer as well as a bag of sliced apple's that came from my trees. She put together two cobblers as Kenny Ray does not like the seeds in the raspberry pie. After supper Tari and I returned to winter we sat down by the fire in the living room with a cup of coffee and a dish of summer berries and vanilla ice cream.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dreaded month of January

Well it is almost over, this dreaded month of January. This year has been one of my worst as I have been house bound with my fractured left shoulder. I tried to rabbit hunt one time but was unable to hold my shotgun steady from the pain but I get a little better each day. I am looking to forward to February as I hope to get every weekend even if it is just to run ole Jack some.I think Tari is looking forward too
as I have been aggravating her just pacing the house.
I did get down to the farm last weekend for the day to check the propane tank and I was going to do some cleanup. All I really got done was take a walk out to the pond and take a nap on the couch.The cabin seems more like home every trip I make down whether it is to hunt or fish or set on the porch or by the heating stove, it is home. I am trying to decide whether to have my garden at the farm or here in Dayton, I keep changing my mind,but right now with the of gasoline going up it might be Dayton. I am looking forward to planting season as I am tired of the cold and snow of January.