My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My 100 item challenge

Well I Promised you all a look at my 100 item challenge list ,and I have been working on it and eliminating some of those possessions that I though at the time I needed. As I was going of my list of essentials I used one rule. If I had not used in it the last 12 months I did not need it. So it went on Craigslist and Ebay. I have been very busy shipping and selling those items I deemed not needed. I found out one thing I can not even give a TV away I listed on Craigslist and Xenia freecycle and not one taker for a 19 inch color TV with no remote. I think that is because there is nothing on it worth watching. Well enough commentary here is the third revision of the list.
1 Wedding Ring
2 Coon skin hat { hard decision for #one or two}
3 wrist watch
4 work boots
5 hunting boots
6 knee boots
7 dress shoes
8 casual shoes
9 socks [10 pair]
10 Boxer's [10 pair]
11 denim jeans
12 denim jeans
13 denim jeans
14 denim jeans
15 camo pants
16 brush pants
17 sweatshirt
18 t shirt
19 t shirt
20 t shirt
21 long sleeve shirt
22 long sleeve shirt
23 long sleeve shirt
24 short sleeve shirt
25 short sleeve shirt
26 short sleeve shirt
27 camo long sleeve shirt
28 camo short sleeve shirt
29 carhart coat
30 camo coat
31 camo jacket
32 carhart work coat
33 belt
34 suspenders
35 baseball cap
36 computer
37 sleep machine cpap [ so i do not snore]
38 fishing pole
39 fishing pole
40 Tackle box [ basic items bobber, hooks, sinkers]
41Coleman lantern [ bought when I was 16 years old]
42 Filet knife [ a high school graduation present from the Hackathornes]
43 shotgun
44 shotgun
45 shotgun [ gift from Uncle ken]
46 shotgun [ gift from uncle ken]
47 Rifle 22 [ gift from my dad when I was 10]
48 shotgun [ gift from my dad when I was 10, first gun now Kenny Ray's so minus one]
48 Rifle
49 Rifle
50 Muzzle loader rifle [ gift from wife Tari]
51 Muzzle loader rifle
52 Muzzle loader handgun [ gift from wife]
53 handgun
54 handgun
55 deerskin shirt [ made by my mother from skins of deer that I harvested]
56 pocket knife
57 skinning knife
58 skinning knife
59 Crossbow [ gift from my dad] inc a dozen arrows
60 compound bow plus a dozen arrows
61 binoculars
62 range finder
63 camera
64 treestand [ gift from Tom Loxley former boss and friend]
65 headlamp
66 gun cleaning kit
67 set walkie talkies
68 gps handheld
69 flashlight
70 chainsaw [ five extra chains]
71 4 wheeler kawasaki
72 4 wheeler honda
73 enclosed trailer
74 beagle hound [ Ole jack]
75 beagle hound [ still looking for but he needed a spot on the list]
76 box turkey call
77 dog box for truck
78 tritronics dog collar
79 traps [ a dozen]
71 snares [ a dozen]
72 fur stretchers[ a dozen]
73 knife sharpening stone [ gift from my grandmother]
74 lunch box [ gift from grandfather when i was 16 and just starting to work]
75 journal [ a gift for my son and grandchildren]
76 Thermos for coffee
77 thermos for soup
78 bike
79 toolbox[ with basic tools]
80 baseball glove
81 bowling ball
82 bowling shoes
83 sleeping bag
84 cooler
85 work gloves
86 beagle hound [ since i can not come up with a 100 i need another dog]
Well this is where I am tonight on my list , I know I have forgotten something as I have rewritten now 4 times with some things added and some removed . I went thru my clothes this past Sunday and Tari and I got rid of some clothes . They will be given to Amvets. I am still going thru the barn and sorting thru and organizing what a man packs away thinking he will need someday. And at the end of one 's days all those things that took time and money away from quality family time will be picked over by strangers at an estate or garage sale for a quarter
or fifty cents. It reminds me of a book my mother gave called" Your money or your life". I do have one problem as I am told that I am a romantic as I have a story behind almost all of my possessions which makes them priceless to me and they will all find there way to my 100 item list. I am still trying to give away a TV if you need one Email me or it is going to be a target.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

FIRE at the turkey pen

FIRE at the turkey pen

Yesterday was a strange day for me. It all started Thursday when I got a call from Dave , he owns the land where I keep my chickens and turkey's. He called to tell me that something had killed one of my turkeys. I went over to check the rest and dispose of the dead one, it looked like maybe a stray dog or coyote had gotten it. I walked the fence and tightened it up and decided to change up my schedule and check them more frequently for a couple days and see if I could catch the culprit. So Friday morning I left the house at daylight with a shotgun just in case I caught it in the act. A beautiful morning in fact I wished I was going squirrel hunting instead. The turkey's were safe and sound and I continued on to work. I went to dinner about 1:30 and decided not to check the turkey then but on my way home. I grabbed a sandwich and drove thru the countryside enjoying the day and thought what a beautiful day it was perfect breezy and warm with the air so fresh, I even commented it back at work. It is strange how things can change so fast. I was paged to the phone and it was Dave he said the field is on Fire I said what he said again the field is on fire , I said I am on my way. When I got there the whole field was a blaze I hustled over to start fighting fire with my feet and a five gallon bucket. I was not getting much out at the upper end as it was to hot to stay very long. I came out and asked Dave have you called the fire department? He said no I said Dave you better call if it gets in that lower big brush pile we could have a major problem. Dave called as I went to the lower end and began to fight the fire. About 15 minutes later the fire department showed up , I had managed to the big brush pile from catching fire. After the fire was out I noticed something strange and if you look at the photo's I took you will see the fire went all around the turkeys but not a blade of the grass burnt inside the pen. I do not know why and neither did the firemen. The turkey's where fine, I destroyed a snow shovel and a bucket from using them to put out the fire. As well as a pair of sneakers. My little toe on my right foot got a small burn from stomping fir and a small burn on my left forearm . And I ended up with a burn on my forehead as well as some singed hair of which I can not stand to lose. In all about an acre burnt we were very lucky that it did not get out of hand. Thank God

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oldman Waterfall Lets take a dip

This is the second in Appalachian American series of limited edition 8x 10 signed and numbered photos.

Butterfly Dinner Time

I am now offering some signed limited edition photos, one of twenty five. The Appalachian American series. Photos of beauty and a way of simple living of which I want to share with others. They are only for sale on this sight and on ebay. If you wish to purchase as a gift or for yourself, you may contact me directly at or look for them on ebay seller identification is krbsr64. I can have matted and framed or you have done yourself
which ever you prefer I will try to accommodate any special request.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Do you want to buy a TV ?

I read an article last week that has motivated me into action,it was the 100 item challenge. It is about a group of people who are reducing their personal belongings down to a hundred things, in an effort to reduce their consumerism. One of the rules they do not count family household shared items like dishes and glasses or the stove or couch. The other rule is if you receive a gift
if have to make room for it by getting rid of something. I have thought about these past few days since reading about the challenge and remembering some of the stories that my parents and aunt and uncle have told me about like my mother telling me all the furniture my grandparents owned besides their beds was 4 chairs and a table. No couch or tvs just a table and 4 chairs.
I started by taking a quick inventory of the top of my head and I could not believe all the crap that I had purchased thru the years. The one thing that I could not believe was that I owned five television sets, but there it was on the list 5 tvs. Then I thought of when I was a kid we were lucky to have one TV and it had a wire clothes hanger as an antenna and black and white. Quickly my list went past a hundred items , as I thought about the list a day or two I began to start crossing off things that I had not used in the 8 months, and the list began to shrink. Those items will be on Ebay, craigslist and given away to Amvets. I then began a list of 100 items that I do need I have yet to come with 75 items let alone a 100 and that includes clothes. On the list i have include socks 10 pair as one item and underwear 10 pair as one item but pants, shirts ,shoes are counted individually as is my watch and wedding ring. I have challenged Kenny Ray to a sixty item list , and trying to get Tari to commit to a 100 item list as well, she just looks at me like I have a third eye in the middle of my forehead. I will post my finished list as I complete it. If you need a TV shoot me an Email.