My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Guineas, chickens and coyote's

We have some new guest here on the farm, two guineas which were given to us from a friend of my nephew's , Joe had spent a weekend here on the farm last summer and loved the farm. I have always wanted guinea's as my grandpa Robert Patton had some when I was kid and they take me back. It was kind of weird though , as I received these two birds I lost two laying hens this morning to coyote's, right out of the driveway. I heard the holler and I went to them and even seen one coyote trying to catch another and I ran him off. I spent the better part of two hours tracking the scoundrels and when I caught up to them I squeezed off one shot and missed by about an inch the small tree next to the coyote's head took the round. I will spend the next few evenings reducing the coyote population here around the farm.
On other news, has of yesterday I have thirty two truck loads of firewood now cut, just about ready for winter. The state of Ohio bee inspector was here two weeks ago and went thru my bee's I only had two Varroe mites in his samples that he took which was very good. They are restoring their honey supplies for winter and look like they are in good shape, we will continue to monitor their progress.
We are now sold out of our honey for the year. What is now a flock of just ten Buff Orpington hens are due to start laying this week we are excited about finding the first egg.
All of our frying chickens have been spoke for and we will have more available October sixteen and the week of the November six.
  Our garden is just about done we took our last load of tomatoes to the Bainbridge produce auction last week a one hundred and forty pounds. While our garden did very well we will no longer sell at auction as we are to small of a operation and can not and will not sacrifice quality for production sake. Tari, Kenny Ray and I are now looking at attending one or two farm markets for next year or possibly a CSA if their is enough interest. We will be offering vegetables, honey, maple syrup and pastured chicken's ,eggs as well as turkey's
On this week's agenda we will be cutting more firewood, mowing around the farm and cleaning off one of the gardens as well as root cellar work, digging potatoes and chicken coop work.
  If you are interested in joining a CSA or eggs or chickens or just stooping by the farm to visit, to picnic by the pond or just a tour of the place and listen to my stories or offer an opinion shoot me and email