My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Kenny Ray saves Doc from the pond

                                   We had an interesting evening here tonight. I had gathered the eggs and was on my way out to the mailbox. Kenny Ray had jumped on the four-wheeler to go out to the poop coupe and put the chickens up for the night. When Tari came running out of the house and yelled “Kenny they need you out at the pond now!” I asked what’s wrong she said I do not know but Rob just called and said they need you now! She started running and I jumped in the car. When I got there, I saw my beagle Doc in the middle of the pond; he had fallen thru the ice. And there was my son in his underwear and was in the pond busting ice and going to my dog. Kenny Ray reached him and swam back to the dock and handed Doc out. Rob then helped Kenny Ray out of the pond, both Doc and Kenny Ray both shivering badly. We calmed Tari down and she drove Kenny Ray and Doc to the house. She put both Doc and Kenny Ray in the shower. I came in and took Doc out of the shower and began to dry him off, but he went back to Kenny Ray and snuggled up to him. This is strange because Doc has always kept his distance from him. I finally managed to get Kenny Ray and Doc dried off, and sat them down by the fire to warm up.                                                                                                                                                       As I am writing this tonight I think back a about ten or so years ago. Kenny Ray and I came upon a car accident with a lady trapped in her car and a man and a dog trapped in another car. I managed to pull the man and dog out but could not get the lady out. As I was trying the fire department showed up and took over. My young son looked up and asked me Dad how did you stay so calm and know what to do? Dad I was scared. I told him son I was to but you have to forget that and do what has to be done; when the time comes and you are older you will be fine and able to do what has to be done. And it washed over me here at my desk tonight I was not needed tonight as my wonderful son Kenny Ray was there to do what was needed. A very proud moment and a sad one for me.

Kenny Ray and Doc by the stove