My dream for Kenny Ray

"make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime

It is my responsibility to teach Kenny Ray how to take car of himself and family. This means more than teaching him to read and write. It also means teaching him how to put food on the table , it is easy to teach what you love. My father started me hunting when i was 3 years old
hunting squirrels and catching greenuns { bluegills} . Kenny Ray started shooting when he was two
and started tagging along with me. we built a pond on the farm when he was 5 and stocked it.
he loves to go fishing. he got is first squirrel when he was 8 . it hangs on the wall in the family room with his first greenun.he takes care of his hunting dog, and his chickens every morning before he starts his school the spring it is job to take care of the broiler chicks the first 15 days of their life before they are moved to grass then i take care of them as we move them to 10 acres of ground near my work. we usually handle 50 at time. when it comes time to get the garden in he usually does the plowing and discing for me at 12 years old he can handle the tractor as well as me.
he helps with the planting and the weeding and the harvest . he helps making deer jerky and the breaking of green beans for canning. we plan on raising a beef this year .something else he can learn. these skills are being lost to the next generation. as i have seen most adults do not know where their food comes from or how it is handled. if you watch a movie called Food Inc . everyone
would be planting a garden in their backyard, and becoming friends with a local farmer. people should not trust the government to protect their food as they are failing at the cost of your families health. cancer = the food you eat

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